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Animal Welfare Wednesday
Animal Welfare Wednesday
Each month our Dairy Team shares valuable resources, articles, and tips for animal welfare. Read the Animal Welfare Wednesday articles listed below. Follow along on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter) to learn even more about each animal welfare topic every Wednesday throughout the month.
Healthy Cows: Management Tips for Transition Times
Fresh cow diseases such as ketosis, milk fever, displaced abomasum, retained placenta, metritis, and mastitis have a huge impact on the overall health of an animal. In addition to the health of the animal there are other factors including lost milk production, longer days to cycle and get pregnant, plus the cost to treat these fresh cow diseases.
Find Sick Cows Early to Ensure Dairy Health and Productivity
Early detection and treatment of sick cows are essential to minimize negative impacts.
Uso correcto de puertas arreadoras: Prácticas para la comodidad y el bienestar de las vacas
english | en español Tabla de contenido Introducción El funcionamiento adecuado de la puerta arreadora beneficia tanto a las vacas como a los trabajadores de las granjas lecheras. Para los administradores de granjas, la capacitación efectiva del personal, el mantenimiento regular de las puertas arreadoras y el manejo adecuado son esenciales para garantizar el funcionamiento […]
The importance of water for dairy calves
The importance of the water and how by providing warm water for calves, especially in colder weather, can benefit rumen development, increase starter intake, and weight gain, and growth performance.
Handling down cows
Dealing with a down cow can be frustrating, however with proper procedural practices in place, you will equip your team with the attitude and skillset to handle the situation.
Are my dairy cattle fit for transport?
This infographic will help you better understand if your dairy cattle are fit for transport.
Crowd gates done right: Best practices for cow comfort and welfare
Proper crowd gate functioning benefits both cows and dairy farm workers. For farm managers, effective staff training, regular crowd gate maintenance, and proper management are essential for ensuring successful crowd gate operation. While crowd gates help keep cows near the parlor entrance, it is crucial to avoid misusing them to promote positive animal welfare.
FARM 5.0 updates (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management)
The Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Animal Care program helps American dairy farms demonstrate their dedication to providing high quality animal care.
Mooving Cows: Learn basic cow handling skills to stay safe and keep cows calm
Mooving Cows™ is an educational game where you can practice moving cows around a dairy farm. Learn about cow behavior and practice basic cow handling skills to stay safe and keep cows calm.