▶️ Watch: Strategies for keeping calves cool in hutches
Jennifer Van Os discusses collaborative work at UW-Madison to identify practical strategies for alleviating heat stress in hutch-housed dairy calves.
Explore research-based management strategies to enhance Animal Welfare and Herd Health, recognizing the relationship between optimal animal care and the success of dairy business.
Jennifer Van Os discusses collaborative work at UW-Madison to identify practical strategies for alleviating heat stress in hutch-housed dairy calves.
his presentation will explore how heat stress affects the physiological, behavioral, and developmental aspects of calves during their critical early stages of life and highlight the long-lasting implications that persist into adulthood.
Mooving Cows™ is an educational game where you can practice moving cows around a dairy farm. Learn about cow behavior and practice basic cow handling skills to stay safe and keep cows calm.
The Federal order regarding the HPAI (H5N1) virus situation requires testing for specific interstate (across state lines) travel of lactating dairy cattle. Read about different scenarios to assist farmers with understanding the Federal order.
This video focuses on basic biosecurity practices for livestock operations.
This video outlines practices for biosecurity at fairs, shows, and exhibitions.
This video provides an overview of biosecurity during disease response.
Water contributes to 75 percent of the body weight in calves, making this nutrient an essential daily requirement.
El agua contribuye al 75 por ciento del peso corporal de los terneros, lo que hace que este nutriente sea un requerimiento diario esencial.
When cows are heat stressed, they eat less, produce less milk, have reduced immune function and higher SCC, and show reduced fertility. A spike in lameness often follows the hot season.
Cuando las vacas están estresadas por el calor, comen menos, producen menos leche, tienen una función inmune reducida y un conteo de células somáticas (SCC, por sus siglas en inglés) más alto, y muestran una fertilidad reducida.
Combating heat stress in the herd requires an action plan to prevent heat stress and address heat stress-related issues.