A Base Change for Bull Proofs is Coming… in April 2025
Every five years, bull proofs are updated to reflect genetic improvements. The new base will compare genetics to cows born in 2020, ensuring accurate evaluations.
Topics / Reproduction and Genetics / Genetics
Every five years, bull proofs are updated to reflect genetic improvements. The new base will compare genetics to cows born in 2020, ensuring accurate evaluations.
Kent Weigel, Professor and Chair of the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences at the University of Wisconsin – Madison Division of Extension, presents on current research on the day-to-day consistency of dry matter intake, milk yield, and the genetics behind it.
Advances in dairy genetic research have created an ever-increasing amount of information for dairy farmers to take into consideration for sire selection. Dairy sire proofs contain a mix of numbers, acronyms, and other terminology. This reference guide covers common sire proof information and what it means.
The Council for Dairy Cattle Breeding releases updated dairy sire summaries in April, August, and December. The science of sire summaries has changed in recent years. More traits, especially for health, longevity, and efficiency can now be evaluated and included for selection.
In 2020, there were multiple calves found unable to stand at birth or shortly after and were then seen by veterinarians in Pennsylvania. Calves were either weak and unable to stand immediately after birth, could stand with assistance, or lost the ability to stand within the first two weeks of life.
Early in April, the Council for Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) released one of the three-times-a-year updates to sire summaries. It can be a lot like looking through seed catalogs to find what bulls to select for the future of your herd. The rankings of bulls keep on getting better, and fast!
The use of beef sires on dairy females has continued to be a common and growing management practice on dairy farms. During the summer of 2021, UW-Madison Division of Extension educators surveyed 40 dairy farms known to be using beef sires to breed dairy females to assess their beef x dairy sire selection criteria, selection of dairy females to breed to beef sires, newborn calf management, milk feeding practices, and how they market their beef x dairy cattle.
Dairy cattle selection programs aim to improve the profitability and sustainability of the dairy industry, either by targeting traits that increase revenue or traits that reduce expenses. Fertility is one of several major trait categories that includes production, longevity, health, calving ability, conformation, and sustainability.
In 2019 Cargill conducted a Feed4Thought survey of consumers from the United States, China, Mexico, and Spain. In this survey, they asked consumers to identify the word that best described what they wanted a farmer to be. The survey showed 30% of respondents wanted farmers to be “sustainable.” The second most-used word to describe what […]
Picking animals for your farm is one of the most important decisions you can make to improve long-term profitability. Whether it is choosing replacements, or deciding who will become parents, without proper consideration the decisions could end up giving you the genetics you did not want.