🎧 Listen: Lameness affects up to 50% of dairy cows during their lifetime
Lameness issues impact every dairy herd in one form or another. Not only does lameness affect a cow’s health and well-being, but it’s also costly to the farm’s bottom line.
Lameness issues impact every dairy herd in one form or another. Not only does lameness affect a cow’s health and well-being, but it’s also costly to the farm’s bottom line.
Milk fever (hypocalcemia) is a common disorder than can occur is cows following calving. During this time, the demand for calcium in the body is high to support mammary function and milk production. When a cow is unable to meet these demands, she can develop milk fever.
Fresh cow diseases such as ketosis, milk fever, displaced abomasum, retained placenta, metritis, and mastitis have a huge impact on the overall health of an animal. In addition to the health of the animal there are other factors including lost milk production, longer days to cycle and get pregnant, plus the cost to treat these fresh cow diseases.
UW-Madison Division of Extension Livestock Program facilitated a discussion on Oct 30, 2024, about official identification of cattle using electronic ID and the importance of livestock premises registration.
The careful implementation of biosecurity practices is key to protect both people and animals, as well as to ensure a viable and safe food supply for consumers.
The careful implementation of biosecurity practices is key to protect both people and animals, as well as to ensure a viable and safe food supply for consumers.
The Federal order regarding the HPAI (H5N1) virus situation requires testing for specific interstate (across state lines) travel of lactating dairy cattle. Read about different scenarios to assist farmers with understanding the Federal order.
This video focuses on basic biosecurity practices for livestock operations.
This video outlines practices for biosecurity at fairs, shows, and exhibitions.
This video provides an overview of biosecurity during disease response.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus is an emerging issue that poses a significant threat to the health and well-being of dairy herds.
Even though hypocalcemia, commonly known as milk fever, has been a fresh cow problem for years, it has been addressed through nutritional management during the dry period and early lactation to decrease clinical cases to less than 1%. However, 73% of 3rd and greater lactation animals have had subclinical hypocalcemia.