Much research is taking place on how heifer grazing can fit into the modern dairy farm. Virtual fencing is also becoming more popular. This presentation will cover what you need to know to incorporate virtual fencing into an operation.
Reducing enteric methane emissions from dairy cattle” showing an overall of the project objectives, our efforts in collecting methane data in research and commercial farms, some traits definitions, and preliminary results on methane prediction using milk spectra data. Guillermo Martinez Boggio, Post Doctoral Research Associate at UW-Madison, is the featured speaker
UW-Madison Division of Extension Livestock Program facilitated a discussion on Oct 30, 2024, about official identification of cattle using electronic ID and the importance of livestock premises registration.
The importance of the water and how by providing warm water for calves, especially in colder weather, can benefit rumen development, increase starter intake, and weight gain, and growth performance.
Dealing with a down cow can be frustrating, however with proper procedural practices in place, you will equip your team with the attitude and skillset to handle the situation.
Dairy producers should consider feeding a smaller volume of colostrum to newborn calves. Delivering the correct mass of immunoglobulin in a smaller volume ensures the successful transfer of passive immunity (TPI) is preferable to current colostrum feeding guidelines.
Badger Dairy Insight: August 20, 2024
Badger Dairy Insight: April 16, 2024
This infographic will help you better understand if your dairy cattle are fit for transport.
Based on their symbiotic relationship with the rumen microorganisms, dairy cows have an extraordinary capacity to transform human-inedible plant materials into energy for maintenance and lactation.
Today, we can form our own pyramid of characteristics for high performing dairy herd reproductive management. During a recap of the 2024 Reproduction Roadshow, Dr. Paul Fricke, Dairy Cattle Reproduction Specialist for UW-Madison and Division of Extension, introduced his building blocks for top reproductive performance and how achieving each step opens more opportunities to use additional reproductive technologies.
In this episode of Badger Dairy Insight, we hear from Dr. João Dórea, an assistant professor in Precision Agriculture and Data Analytics in the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences at UW–Madison.